Friday 8 January 2016

Challenge within a challenge: New words

January is usually quite a dull month; money is tight, people drag themselves back to work after Christmas and this isn't much in sight to look forward to. So I thought I’d start a few new challenges to brighten things up!

One of these challenges is with my friend Alice and it’s to learn a new word everyday.

I’ve known Alice since school and we’ve been to lots of places together; Lille, Prague and Edinburgh to name a few. We always like learning and discovering new things, so when I showed Alice the list of potential 30 day challenges, she picked the word one.

So here are the first five words I sent to Alice:
Annus mirabilis

And Alice has sent me these five words:
Annuannus horribilis

I’ll try and use the new words I learn in future blog posts, so keep a look out.

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