Thursday 21 January 2016

Challenge within a challenge: Minimalism challenge: Cleaning out my closet

The minimalism challenge finished last Friday so it’s time to go over what I did for the challenge. One of them was cleaning out your closet or as the brits would say wardrobe.

So before Christmas my friend Laura came round to help me out. If I’m sorting out things, once I get going I can chuck out quite a bit, but it’s good to have someone to nudge you and question all your decisions.

The last time I sorted my wardrobe was over a year ago and my sister Lucy went through my wardrobe last time. On many of the clothes she asked in what age was this fashionable, and the honest view, you’re nearing 30 start dressing like it!

Laura was pretty much the same as Lucy and we got rid of a lot of clothes in a short space of time.
So here’s what I gave to charity out:
6 pairs of shoes
1 pair of flip flops
2 pair of boots
9 work tops
5 going out tops
1 shirt
6 casual tops
1 jumpsuit
5 cardigans
1 jumper
3 skirts
3 trousers
1 work jacket
1 tunic
1 jacket
2 pairs of shorts

I reorganised my drawers as well, so everything is a lot tidier. Now to replenish some of the stock!

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