Wednesday 3 February 2016

Challenge within a challenge: Letter writing

It maybe old fashioned but I love letters. I love writing letters and I love receiving letters, because in the age of technology, to receive a letter in the post that isn't a bill is quite a rare thing. The other week I wrote a letter to my friend Michelle to arrange a baking session, rather than text because she said she didn't receive letters that often. And she loved receiving the letter as it was a nice surprise.

Talking about my letter writing challenge today is perfect timing as I received a letter, well postcard in the post today, completely by surprise. For any supporters of my 29 challenge I did last year, you would know that one of my key achievements was writing a film in a week. A couple of weeks prior to me writing I met the author David Nicholls at the Radio Times festival, and I asked him for some advice on writers block. He gave great advice and a couple of months after finishing my screenplay I sent him a letter thanking him for his advice and saying what I had achieved as a result.

Today I received this in the post.

So one of my challenges for the next 30 days (which I started at the start of the month) is to write a letter a day. It’s that simple. I've got a rough idea of who I want to write some of the letters to, and a few friends have given me ideas of different people to write to as well. Getting replies isn't important at all, I just like the thought that somebody is going to get some post that isn't junk mail. Something old fashioned that can brighten up their day.

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