Saturday, 6 February 2016

Challenge within a challenge: Keeping a track on laughing

As simple as it sounds, there’s nothing better than laughing, or seeing other people laugh. And laughter can be found anywhere, even in the most unlikely of places.

For five years during my gap year, uni holidays and a year after uni I worked at an old people’s home in the dementia unit, ironically called Forget Me Not. I served breakfasts, which with people who have dementia isn't the easiest thing to do as they like to walk around a lot. Whenever I tell people about my time at the old people’s home, I get asked whether it was depressing to work there, and the truth is it wasn't. Each resident had their own character, their own sayings and catchphrases and half the time it felt like being in a sitcom.

It’s always a good thing to surround yourself with people that can make you laugh. These pictures below are of my friend Jas and I at my 21st birthday. I can’t remember what she said, but it made me laugh hard.

And with YouTube it’s even easier to find things to make you laugh in a second. For my second challenge for 30 days is to keep a laughter journal. You have to write down one thing everyday that makes you laugh hard.

5 days (well I'm on my 6th day now) in and there is a variety of things that make me laugh. So here are some of my highlights from the first five days. Unfortunately I can’t film conversations that I have with work colleagues, but most other things can be found on Youtube.
Chris Martin and James Corden’s carpool karaoke 
Dennis Quaid saying Saoirse Ronan’s name
Chris Kamara’s football commentary
Nick in New Girl saying; ‘CeCe your mouth was writing a cheque your body can’t find’ ‘Hair blocks sound.’ ‘You better not be fake drinking on my Valentines Day bar crawl!’ Yes those statements aren’t funny just reading them, I guess it was all in the delivery. I couldn't find a clip of those parts of the episode, but here’s another clip.

I’m looking forward to finding out what else I find funny in February.

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