Tuesday 22 December 2015

Challenge within a challenge: Minimalism challenge progress

I started the minimalism challenge last Wednesday and I’ve only done a few of the 30 things. So I need to step it up a gear!

Last Wednesday afternoon to last Thursday afternoon I stayed offline. I didn’t check emails, texts, Facebook, Instagram and any Watsapp messages. It wasn’t too bad to do. The Watsapp part I struggled with a little as I was tempted to reply to the odd message but I didn’t. Over the time period I received the following:
1 text message
5 Watsapp messages
81 emails
6 Facebook notifications
3 Linked In notifications and messages
And a partridge in a pear tree

The second part of the challenge I completed was downsizing my beauty collection. For this I sorted out my beauty products and toiletries I had. Over the years I've received lots of toiletry and beauty sets and quite a few of the sets had body lotion and body butter. Here’s the thing I've kept the body lotion and body butter products in the hope that I’ll be someone that uses them, but I think I've come to realise that it’s just not me. So out they went.

                                                                   Before sort out

After sort out

As you can see I got rid of quite a lot of products, and in a way it is like a weight has been lifted. And for future reference, can I not be bought body lotion. However Benefit make up I am a fan of, so I’d happily accept those products!

The third part of the challenge was to unfollow and unfriend. Unfriending people on Facebook isn't something I normally do, as I feel like in some ways it’s deleting some of my past. I've got 456 friends on Facebook and I went through and deleted 14, including a guy who told me to lower my standards, a monkey picture, 2 friends ex’s and 3 people I met on nights out.

Instagram wise I was following 168 people/accounts and now I’m following 160. So not a dramatic decrease but still a fair few.

With the Christmas holidays coming up I’m sure I’ll have more time to practice minimalism!

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