Sunday 6 December 2015

New recipes: Gluten free baking

Every year my school friends and I have a girlie Christmas get together. We do meet up throughout the year as well. I had the idea last year that instead of Secret Santa presents, we do Secret Santa experiences. So we each pick a name and then an experience. Then you’ll do that experience with that person. It also meant you got two presents each as I didn’t fully think through how the whole thing had worked.

The idea I thought was a good one, but with all of us being so busy, I’m the only one that has done both my activities so far. The first was months ago and it was painting nails with my friend Rachel.
The second was to do baking with my friend Louise and last Sunday I went over to her house and baked in her very stylish kitchen. She runs Whimsical Wonderland Weddings, a very successful wedding blog, so if you’re getting married anytime soon, check it out for inspiration.

We made a pavlova which I had already done before, coincidently for my 29 challenge earlier this year. And we also did some gluten free baking, which I hadn't done before.

The mince pies we made were gluten free, and all that was different in the baking was the flour we used. There was a slight difference when rolling out the pastry as it wasn’t as strong and broke when rolling it out thin. But we got there in the end, and as you can see the results aren’t too bad. They tasted pretty good as well!

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