Thursday 3 March 2016

February review and March preview

Is it me or did February just fly by? The challenges I set myself for February were great fun, and gave a few surprises and I found them very rewarding. So what did I do?

Well apart from read a few books and watch a few films which seems to be a standard every month I contacted 30 Facebook friends I hadn't spoken to either at all since adding them or in over 2 years. I contacted 30 neighbours which if you read my previous post you would've found out how it went. I wrote a letter a day, and kept a laughter journal as well, which has been fun to look back on.

And I finally have a bucket list!!! I’ll be writing a post about that soon. Who knows maybe I’ll be able to tick a few things off that list this year.

So what’s coming up in March? Well I’m going to have my hair in a different style everyday for 30 days (nothing as drastic as the 80s hair do below.) I've started a health awareness challenge for 30 days, and drinking 8 glasses of water a day. And I'm going to read the bible everyday, something I’ve never done before.

Here’s to a great March!

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