Well out of 30 people, 23 replied which was a great result. Although it wasn't the plan I ended up contacting an even number of men and women. The people I contacted came from mixture of backgrounds. 3 were old work colleagues, 12 I went to school with, 8 I went to uni with, 3 I used to go on holiday with, 1 was an ex, 1 I went to pole classes with, another was a family friend and 1 was a penpal.
People replied quite quickly as well which I was really surprised about, and they were all pleased to hear from me. A few of the guys are now dad’s, others had bought their own houses and quite a few of them were in careers I didn't expect them to be in. School friends had spread out around the country; one was living in Bristol and another was in Norfolk. I also found out that one of my old school friends is in contact with a guy in my class who now lives in Japan!
James who I’d known since a baby is now studying for a PhD and is a lecturer as well. One of the women I used to go on holiday with is now a councillor for people who struggle with substance abuse.
With people I contacted from uni, we've all gone on different paths from what we studied. Stuart who I was in halls with and had some lectures with is now in the royal military police in St Andrews which is pretty far from what I thought he would be in the future.
This challenge was in a way an extension from the reconnecting part of my 29 challenge I did last year and like last year I really enjoyed it. In some of my responses people had said they liked what I was doing with all the challenges and my life and my blog, which was a nice surprise. As I always say people are in your life for a reason, season or a lifetime. And I think it’s nice to drop a line to people out of the blue from time to time.
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