Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Screenwriting: The challenge to complete another screenplay

For anyone that read my 29 challenge blog, you will know that one of the parts of the challenge was to write 29 pages of a screenplay every month for a year. I had various other categories to work through the 29 challenge, but the screenwriting proved the most difficult. However at the end of it I had written; 2 shorts, a TV made film, a 6 part TV series, a 2 hour feature film and restarted another film which I got to 32 pages of. That restarted film is what I'm focusing on today.

On Friday I met up with my dad and he asked me about my screenwriting and whether I’d sent any of my work off, to which I hadn't. I was more focused on getting words on the page, then fine tuning what I've written at the moment. I explained that I had restarted writing a film during the 29 challenge and my dad challenged me to finish that film by the end of the month.

At first I was daunted by this suggestion but then I had to remind myself that the 2 hour feature film I wrote took me a week to do and that was alongside work. So starting today I have 17 days to write, including 2 bank holidays and 2 weekends.

The screenplay in question I'm hoping to complete is one called ‘If We Aren't Married.’ I went into depth about it on the 29 challenge blog and when I came up with the idea. However in short it’s about 3 couples of guy/girl friends who have agreed that if they aren't married by the time they are a certain age, then they’ll get married.  

As I said I have written 32 pages, so if I'm going to write a 90 page screenplay (which is a 90 minute film), then that’s 58 more pages, or if I'm going for a 120 page screenplay (which is a 2 hour film), then that’s 88 pages left to write. Spread over 17 days I either have to write 3 pages a day or 5 pages a day. This doesn't seem too daunting.

So as Barney from How I Met Your Mother would say; Challenge accepted!

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