Friday, 27 November 2015

New Experience and Challenge within a challenge: Things got heated

Last week I mentioned in a blog post that I was doing a sponsored firewalk, and yesterday I did it!
Going in I had no fear about it. I figured that getting over a broken heart, you’re in pain for a lot longer, and the walk was from first impressions would last a minute tops to complete. A minute in your life is nothing really in the grand scheme of things.

Like the large majority of my challenges, I was flying solo on this one. In fact I was the only one from the company I work for. I was surprised about this as the company is big on charity work.
I had 2 hours of training and people asked me what was involved in the training? Well it was all about focus and mind over matter. There were different exercises you could do as part of it, although I just watched people walk over broken glass and breaking an arrow.

When it came to firewalking you had to walk with purpose, as if you have 5 minutes left on the carpark, but you didn’t know whether you have 5 minutes left, or whether you’re 5 minutes over. You start to panic and speed up in walking. We also had to pick a word to repeat every step you took. The one most people used was yes, and add to that looking at the trainer while walking, that is how you firewalk.

So how was the walk? Well it was hot! Which is what you expect, and a bit prickly. But it didn’t hurt! Once I did it I thought, is that it? It was over in seconds. I then had another go as we started early and my friend Laura and her husband Rob hadn’t arrived, and I didn’t want them to have a wasted trip. So with most of the others we had a second go. The second go I did exactly the same as the first walk, kept saying yes, but on the last step instead of looking at the trainer I looked down, and it started to hurt. The trainer even knew once I finished.

My feet were a bit sore today, but only had one little scratch which I was surprised at as I thought my feet would be battered and bruised.

It was a great experience and I’m proud that I did it. The trainer said I had a very determined look in my face. I’m even more proud and surprised that I smashed my sponsoring target, which never normally happens. My target was £150 and so far I’ve raised £330! As it’s payday, if you feel like being charitable, feel free to make a donation on my Justgiving page.

Now what could my next physical challenge be???

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