Sunday 22 November 2015

Challenge within a challenge; Routine of success: One week down, two to go!

Tomorrow I’ll be going into the second week of my routine of success. So with one week down, how did it go?

Surprisingly it went really well, there was only two days that I struggled to get up, the first day and then Thursday morning because I was out late the night before with work. Waking up before 6; either at 5 or 5.30 is fine, it’s just getting out of bed is the struggle as it’s cold out of bed!

Productivity I've achieved a quite a bit. Two days I did 11 out of the 14 tasks set. I've contacted a different family member each day. Apart from Thursday, I've meditated everyday and I'm not sure it makes a real difference as I'm a calm person normally, but it’s a nice way to start the day.

So going into my second week I’d like to focus more on the business and passion projects. I started work on the passion project on Friday, so it will be good to continue working on that.

With networking over coffee, I’m not sure if there are any of my work colleagues up before 6, but I've been reading articles on LinkedIn and put about my firewalk on the site as well. The articles I read were: An Unexpected Way to Achieve a Better Work-Life Balance; Painful, Valuable Lessons From Taking Charge of My Career, and Why the Best Leaders Sometimes Get Mad (and Show It)

So onto week number two!

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