Last week my friend Jenny came back to visit the area. She now lives in the Cornwall area and a few weeks ago I went to stay with her and husband and baby boy Sam. The only time she was free to catch up with myself and the other school friends was on Saturday but I’d already had other plans. I said I was free Sunday and she said she was going to be driving back to Cornwall at 3.30am, as she could drive when Sam was asleep. So as much as she wanted to catch up, she thought 3.30 in the morning was a bit too early for a catch up.
With such a long drive ahead at the crack dawn didn’t seem like my sort of fun, so I thought what could I do to help make things a bit bearable? And the main idea that came to mind was an audiobook.
So I went to the local Waterstones and there was a great selection; I was on the lookout for one that a) the voice wouldn’t be too abrupt and spikey as I didn’t want Sam to get wake up, and b) it should be something that would interest Jenny. I ended up ticking both of these boxes with Clare Balding's ‘My Animals and Other Family’ audiobook. She has a quite a soft smooth voice and with Jenny being a vet and having a lifelong interest in animals I knew she’d like it.
I also got her a couple of treats from Graze to keep her going energy wise. With all surprise gifts, I leave them on the doorstep to be discovered the next day, and Jenny loved it saying it was perfect way to get her home.