Saturday, 2 December 2017

Thoughtful presents: A pack of cards

I’ve used a pack of cards twice this year as a present for friends going through tough times. Earlier in the year my flatmate was going through a bad breakup and to distract her I gave her a pack of cards with bits of trivia written on each card. This was a short term fix to keep her busy and it did keep her from thinking about her ex, even if it was just for a little while.

The other day I asked my old flatmate how her studies were going, as she is studying to be a solicitor, and she said it wasn’t great. She felt like she had bitten off more than she could chew and that she was really struggling.

I obviously couldn’t do the course for her, but I thought what could I do to motivate her and to give her a bit of a boost. And then I thought of a pack of cards. I decided to write a motivational quote about career, tough times and determination on each card. As she has a lot of course work, watching a film about tough times would take too much time. A quote would be quick to read and hopefully give that boost she’d need to conquer the work she was doing.

I was at a pub the other night and a couple asked what I was doing, as I was busy writing the quotes. I explained and they asked if they could read a few, and picked them out like they were fortune cookies!

At the moment I’m not sure how it was received as I only posted it the day before yesterday, but fingers crossed it gets her back on track and helps her feel a little less stressed.